A TECHNOLOGY UNIQUE IN THE WORLD SILICIUM MACHINERY, THE TECHNOLOGY THAT POWERS THE TIME CHANGER A unique innovation, the fruit of 20 years of scientific research, harnessing the extraordinary properties of this mineral. SILICIUM MACHINERY A MONOLITH BORN FROM THE EARTH’S CRUST Magnetic fields resistance Precision & smoothness ULTRA-LOW CONSUMPTION & endurance the silicium machinery THE MICROMOTOR CORE Cut with ultimate precision using semiconductor-inspired processes, this technological jewel combines strength and energy efficiency. CHISELED WITH SUBMICRON MANUFACTURING DETAILS, INVISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE Comparative scanning electron microscope images pollen vs silicium machinery hair vs silicium machinery COUPLED TO A SILICON MICRO-TOOTHED WHEEL Comparative scanning electron microscope images salt vs wheel PACKAGED AND ASSEMBLED ON AN ELECTRONIC BOARD PUT INTO MOTION BY THE COMBINATION OF 3 FORCES Electric force Generated in a world-unique high-voltage microelectronic chip developed specifically for the Silicium Machinery Electrostatic force Obtained by converting high voltage into a driving force in the Silicium Machinery Force élastique Opposing the electrostatic force, a reserve of elastic force stored in the Silicium Machinery gives it the incredible power to beat counter-clockwise! DISCOVER SUBMICRON PRECISION DOWN TO THE SMALLEST DETAIL! You too can discover the incredible precision at the heart of TheTimeChanger by discovering the message hidden in the silicon “6” on the dial. Discover TheTimeChanger